
inter-agency travel network معنى

  • شبكة الأسفار المشتركة بين الوكالات

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. inter-agency technical meeting on aging معنى
  2. inter-agency technical working group معنى
  3. inter-agency technical workshop on training results to finalize the evaluation training guidelines for the united nations system معنى
  4. inter-agency telecommunication coordination group معنى
  5. inter-agency telecommunications advisory group معنى
  6. inter-agency working agreement on water resources assessment معنى
  7. inter-agency working group معنى
  8. inter-agency working group at the technical level for iyy معنى
  9. inter-agency working group meeting on phase ii of the transport and communications decade for asia and the pacific معنى
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